Flash emoticons v2 (en)


In emoticons version 1 the emoticons was hidden inside the font, wich don't allows good manipulation.

we have to insert MovieClip in textFields...

by now it cannot be done in FMX( please tell me if i wrong ), what we can do, is attach mcs over the textField, to know the x,y, we can do this by using one resizeble text field for the height, and other for de width

the trick is to know where to replace the text (:),:(, etc) with icons

The main intention of this, is being a component, by now is beta, when become stable, i would be free ( availabe here, and in sites who accept me)

Both the emoticons(texts) and the mc containing the emoticons(graphics), can be set via component parameters , so you can use your own emoticons with no code modification.

emoticons = [":)",";)",":(",":O",":o",":S",":D","8)","/cool",":|"];

to avoid problems with fonts rendering, i use in this case a custom one (verdanaPixel) who is just the same as our beloved verdana, but in pixel format, so i can embed fonts, with no aliased look

know bugs
1.missing _y over big ammount of text with no spaces ( who writes that way, anyway?)

i will improove the parse text, later this week also.
comments, bugs, donations (so i can study english), here.


Hi there,
great piece of code... is the beta available for testing ?

kada said:

let me do, the live view stuff, and some code inproovement, and al release it =)

thanx for your comments

Ryan said:

Cool stuff, Grant Skinner did one very much the same, cept with out the special font. Might wanna get a hold of him.

Also you should limit the number of emoticons in a string, it will break ;)

Sean Voisen said:

Very well done - I'd like to try that in a chat component and program I'm working on.

brett said:

didn't work at all for me.

Sean Clark said:

Very nice. I was wondering if that font would be available also.

kada said:

sure, there's a post about that here:


eyezberg said:

ola, kada, una pregunta:
does that font include any smilies?
Also, I used the 1st version (slightly modified) in a live chat on my site (http://www.flasheyez.com , it's a pop-up..), hope that's ok?
I like this one muchissimo mas, will it be downloadable tambien? :-)
(perdona, pero no me recuerdo todas las palabras, hace tanto que no hablo espagnol..)

kada said:

hi eyezberg
the font has no emoticons, the emoticons are movieclips over the textfield.
you can see/download the font here.


no prob about the spanish thing =) i "understendo"

eyezberg said:

hey kada,
not the font,
the above to attach the clips i was asking to download :-)
i can use the font of the 1st example,
but this one is sooo much better!
like this one:

paola said:

Hello, I've been to your website and read about a component you guys have developed. The component is used to integrate the 'smileys' in a flash chat. Could you please tell me when this component will be available. I am in desperate need of it! thanks.


Adonias said:

guau...... por fin lo lograron...


problema solucionado....


Firenet said:

Is the bug fixed? Have this source released yet?

marcela said:

oye, no se si escribirte en español, inglés, o japonés, pero quería saber si tienes idea de dónde podría encontrar un plug-in o algo para poder usar emoticons en mi movable type blog.


piX said:

Kada, muy lindo el componente, pero la verdad no encuentro la forma de que funcione en la red...
si tenes algun ejemplo con php o lo que sea te agradeceria


angelita said:

Can someone kind to show me where to download the source code for version 1? I can't find it :(

many many thanks


Ivan Ivanov said:

I try this.. but doesn't work....
when I run aplication it freeze....